
Table Webhooks provide real-time notifications for specified tables in your application. The following webhooks are available

Row Created

This webhook is triggered when a new row is added to the specified table by your users, either through the editor or via the API.


    // An ISO-8601 date string representing the creation time of the row
    "createdAt": string, 
    // The user ID of the creator (null if created by internal user or via API)
    "createdByUserId": string,
    // The ID of the newly created row
    "rowId": string
    "rowData": {
        "Price": 10
        // Additional fields here

Row Updated

This webhook is triggered when a row is updated in the specified table by your users, either through the editor or via the API.


    // An ISO-8601 date string representing the update time of the row
    "updatedAt": string, 
    // The user ID of the updater (null if update by internal user or via API)
    "updatedByUserId": string,
    // The ID of the updated row
    "rowId": string
    "newRowData": {
        "Price": 10
        // Additional fields here

Row Deleted

This webhook is triggered when a row is deleted from the specified table by your users, either through the editor or via the API.


    // An ISO-8601 date string representing the deletion time of the row
    "deletedAt": string, 
    // The user ID of the deleter (null if deleted by internal user or via API)
    "deletedByUserId": string,
    // The ID of the deleted row
    "rowId": string

Last updated