Delete current row
The "Delete current row" action lets users remove specific items from their app, deleting corresponding data rows.
Action execution
On UI, the button to execute the "Delete current row" action will be in red regardless of your app's accent color.
About UX, the behavior of the "Delete current row" action depends on the context in which it is executed:
When the action is executed from a Collection page, the item will disappear from the Collection page and the associated data table.
If the action is executed from a Detail page, the app will navigate back to the previous page while deleting the item from the data table.
Confirm on Required
This checkbox option allows you to add a confirmation step when the action requires additional validation or user consent.
Show Notification on Success
By checking the "Show Notification on Success" checkbox, you can provide users with visual feedback to confirm that their action was executed as intended.
This setting also allows you to modify the success message displayed in the notification, ensuring clear communication with users.
Last updated