
The "Barcode" component allows you to create and add custom barcodes to your app pages. These barcodes can encode product information, inventory details, or customer data for easy and efficient tracking.

Additionally, the component provides an easy-to-use interface that simplifies generating and embedding barcodes into app pages, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.


Name your barcode so users can get what it is for. Choose a concise, descriptive title that accurately reflects the product or service associated with the barcode.


Provide the information data encoded to the barcode. It can be a web link or data in your table.

Barcode Type

Specify the type of barcode you want to generate. Choose a barcode type that meets your application's specific needs and your users' requirements.


Choose whether to hide the component from the view of the app users.

This can be useful in cases where the barcode is not relevant in some particular cases or events or needs to be hidden for security reasons.


Name the component for use with the Typescript.


Last updated