Send HTTP request

The "Send HTTP Request" action in Starion enables you to perform HTTP requests within your app, mirroring the functionality of an API order. This action allows you to interact with external resources, retrieve data, submit information, or trigger specific operations through HTTP protocols.


Specify the target URL to which the HTTP request will be sent. This URL determines the endpoint or resource you want to interact with.


Choose from different HTTP methods to define the type of operation you want to perform:

  1. POST: Send data to the specified URL to create a new resource.

  2. GET: To retrieve data from the specified URL or resource.

  3. PUT: To update or replace the existing resource at the specified URL.

  4. DELETE: To remove or delete the resource specified by the URL.


Customize the headers included in the HTTP request. Headers provide additional information about the request, such as authentication credentials, content type, or custom metadata.


Define the payload or data to be included in the HTTP request body. This could include form data, JSON payloads, or other data formats the target resource requires.

Confirm on Required:

This checkbox option allows you to add a confirmation step when the action requires additional validation or user consent.

  • Message: Customize the confirmation message that appears to the user. It should communicate the consequence of executing the action.

  • Action Title: Define the button title that users will tap to confirm and proceed with executing the action.

Show Notification on Success:

By checking the "Show Notification on Success" checkbox, you can provide users with visual feedback to confirm that their action was executed as intended. This setting also allows you to modify the success message displayed in the notification, ensuring clear communication with users.

Last updated